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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been given permission to enforce a no-fly zone over their new country mansion in a bid to stop photographs being taken of the distinctive red-brick house. 剑桥公爵鸳侣已获准在他们新的乡间府邸上空设立禁飞区美女 自慰,以防患有东说念主偷拍这栋如鱼得水的红砖屋子。
All aircraft – including drones – are to be banned from flying within 1.5 miles of Anmer Hall, situated on the Queen's Sandringham Estate near King's Lynn in Norfolk, from next month. 从下月起,包括无东说念主机在内的航行器皆被不容在安墨厅(Anmer Hall)临近1.5英里(约合2.4公里)的规模内航行。安墨厅坐落在女王的桑德林汉姆庄园(Sandringham Estate),这座庄园位于诺福克郡金斯林隔邻。
The Department for Transport, which has agreed to the request, said it was required 'in view of the need for security for the Royal Family'. 英邦交通部如故答允了这一条件,并称“为王室成员的安全需求着念念”,这是必需的。
Similar regulations are to come into force for Sandringham House from 1 December to 1 March each year. 每年的12月1日至次年3月1日,桑德林汉姆府(Sandringham House)皆将实践近似的空中管理。
The three-month restriction covers the Christmas period, when the Queen and other members of the Royal Family are in residence. 长达三个月的空中管理包括圣诞假期,当时女王过甚他王室亲眷在此处过节。
Regulations issued by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) state no aircraft is to fly below 2,白色面具000ft (610m) within the restricted airspace. 民航局发布的功令划定,禁飞空域内,航行器不得在2000英尺(合610米)以下高度航行。
It does not apply to emergency services aircraft, including Prince William's employer, the East Anglian Air Ambulance, and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. 但这项划定不适用于济急服务飞机,包括威廉王子的老板东安格利亚空中急救队,以及英国海事和海岸警备局。
The Queen's helicopter and any aircraft flown by a member of the Royal family are also exempt, as are aircraft flown by 'guests of Sandringham House or Anmer Hall, who have permission to land there'. 女王的专属直升机以及王室成员驾驶的飞机也不受此划定敛迹,桑德林汉姆府及安墨厅的来宾驾驶的飞机相通不受管理,他们的飞机被允许在此降落。
在线测速William and Kate now spend the majority of their time at Anmer Hall, which was gifted to them by the Queen in addition to their official 21-room apartment at Kensington Palace. 威廉和凯特的官方住址位于肯辛顿宫,那是一套有21个房间的公寓。女王另将安墨厅赠予他们,目下他们大部分时代皆住在这里。
They have spent several million pounds of their private fortunate turning the ten bedroom Georgian mansion – an historically photographed local landmark - into a 'dream' family home for their children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. 他们已将几百万的私东说念主积存参预其中,为他们的孩子乔治王子和夏洛特公主,将这座领有十个卧室的宅邸(建于乔治王朝时代,属于历史性的地标建筑)改酿成“梦念念”家园。
The house boasts its own tennis court and swimming pool, as well as a new glazed garden room which allows them to dine under the stars. 这座宅院领有私家网球场及游池塘,他们还不错在新建的玻璃园景房里享受星光晚餐。
The couple also ripped out a brand new £38,000 kitchen with handcrafted walnut worktops in favour of something more to their taste. 宅邸本有一间价值38000英镑的全新厨房,成就手工打造的胡桃木操作台,鸳侣两东说念主将其进行整修以允洽他们的喜好。
Earlier this year the couple complained about paparazzi photographic intrusion into their 'family life'. 本年早些时候威廉王子鸳侣曾悔怨狗仔队的偷拍惊扰了他们的“家庭糊口”。
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